Denmark / Politics / History / Monastery / Abolition of / Reformation / Scandinavia / Secularization 1 View Records
Denmark / Politics / Pandemic / COVID-19 (Disease) / Population / Religion / Trust 1 View Records
Denmark / Politics / Pandemic / COVID-19 (Disease) / Population / Social consensus / Trust 1 View Records
Denmark / Political conflict / Duty / Elbe / Hamburg / Customs administration 2 View Records
Denmark / Political education / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Denmark / Political ethics / History 1100-1200 / Crusade 1 View Records
Denmark / Political identity / Multi-cultural society / Religious identity / Religious pluralism 1 View Records
Denmark / Political identity / Norway / History 1807-1830 1 View Records
Denmark / Political identity / Religious identity / Secularization / Welfare state 1 View Records
Denmark / Political order / Danske folkekirke / History 1750-1848 / Sermon / Social norms / State 1 View Records
Denmark / Political philosophy / Church / History 1840-1849 / Kierkegaard, Søren 1813-1855 / Constitutional monarchy / State 1 View Records
Denmark / Political philosophy / Divine right of rulers / Constitutional monarchy / Controversy 1 View Records
Denmark / Political theater / Danske folkekirke / Munk, Kaj 1898-1944 / Pastor / History 1943-1944 / Resistance / Third Reich 1 View Records
Denmark / Poles / Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Brazil / Chile / China / Church / Argentina / France / Germany / Great Britain / India / Indonesia / Iraq / Israel / Kazakhstan / Kenya / Laos / Malta / Nepal / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Pakistan / Philippines / Australia / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Somalia / South Korea / Spain / Sri Lanka / State / Sudan / Sudan (Süd) / Swedes / Turkmenistan / Uganda / Ukraine / USA 1 View Records
Denmark / Poles / Bangladesh / Belgium / Bosnia / Cameroon / Canada / China / Church / Cuba / Australia / Egypt / Ethiopia / Europäische Union / France / Georgia / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Kenya / Kyrgyzstan / Malaysia / Mexico / Montenegro / Nepal / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Palestine / Azerbaijan / Russia / State / Swedes / Syria / Tajikistan / Turkey / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / USA / Uzbekistan / Vatikanstadt / Vereinte Nationen / Vietnam / Yemen 1 View Records
Denmark / Poles / China / Church / Algeria / Egypt / Eritrea / Europäische Union / France / Germany / Great Britain / Greece / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Malaysia / Nigeria / Pakistan / Bolivia / Ruanda / Russia / State / Sudan / Switzerland / Tajikistan / Turkey / Ukraine / USA 1 View Records
Denmark / Popular piety / Coping / Thirty Years's War 1 View Records
Denmark / Popular piety / Halloween / Lutheran Church / Baby / Procession / Ritual singing 1 View Records
Denmark / Population / Geschichte 2020 / Pandemic / COVID-19 (Disease) / Reactionary politics / Religion / Reporting 1 View Records
Denmark / Possession / Muslim / Jinn / Psychosis 1 View Records