Demotic 86 View Records
Demotic / Aramaic language 1 View Records
Demotic / Arameans / Aramaic language / Egypt (Antiquity) / Elephantine / Formula / Law / Tradition 1 View Records
Demotic / Bilingual text / Greek language / Spring 1 View Records
Demotic / Chronology / Egypt (Antiquity) / History 332 BC-453 / Papyrus 1 View Records
Demotic / Coptic language / Greek language / Invocation / Mascots / Rappaport, Roy A. 1926-1997, Ritual and religion in the making of humanity 1 View Records
Demotic / Cosmogony / Papyrus 1 View Records
Demotic / Cult / Papyrus / Religious community 1 View Records
Demotic / Decipherment / Champollion, Jean François 1790-1832 / Egyptian language / Hieroglyphic writing / Stein von Rosette 1 View Records
Demotic / Decree / Egypt (Antiquity) / Grammar / History 238 BC-184 BC / Priest 1 View Records
Demotic / Decree / History 8 BC-6 BC / Priest 1 View Records
Demotic / Dimeh / Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Berlin / Papyrus 1 View Records
Demotic / Document / Egypt (Antiquity) / Egypt (Antiquity) / History 330 BC-50 BC / Late period / Law 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / Egyptian language / Function / Greek language / History 1552 BC-1070 BC / Literature / Magic / Miracle / Motif / Oral story / Structure of 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / History / Papyrus 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / History 300 BC-200 BC / Ostrakon / Tax raising 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / History 650 BC-450 / Ostrakon 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / History 650 BC-450 / Papyrus 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / Religion / Written works 1 View Records
Demotic / Egypt (Antiquity) / Wisdom literature 1 View Records