Croatian / Missal 1 View Records
Croatian / New Testament / Translation / Württemberg 3 View Records
Croatian / Parčič, Dragutin Antun 1832-1902 1 View Records
Croatian / Religious literature 1 View Records
Croatian / Science of Religion / Terminology 1 View Records
Croatia 2 View Records
Croatia / Bible 1 View Records
Croatia / Catholic movement / History 1914-1940 / Literary policy 1 View Records
Croatia / Culture / History / Karmeliten 1 View Records
Croatia / Folktale 1 View Records
Croatia / Franciscans / Order / Province / Statutes 1 View Records
Croatia / Franciscans / Written works 1 View Records
Croatia / Geschichte Anfänge-1800 / Literature 1 View Records
Croatia / Legend / Mary of Egypt 1 View Records
Croats / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Franciscans / History / Literature 1 View Records
Croats / Catholic / Immigration / Swedes 1 View Records
Croatian Church 1 View Records
Croatian independence 1 View Records
Croatian Protestantism 2 View Records
Croatian language History 1 View Records