Commemoration 24 View Records
Commemorations 2 View Records
Commemoration day 5 View Records
Commemoration day / Apartheid / Africa / Decolonisation / Healing / Justice / Liturgy / Memory 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Battle (1870) / Deutscher Protestantenverein / Geschichte 1871 / Nationalism 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Bible. Petrusbrief 1. 5,8-9 / Love of neighbor / Reichspogromnacht / Sermon 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Brictius of Tours 397-444 / Aethelred II England, King 968-1016 / Danish people / England / Geschichte 1002 / Massacre 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Calendar / International comparison 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Calendar / Vereinte Nationen 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Canada / Jews / Judaism 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Catastrophe / Memorial service 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Catholic church, Diözese Regensburg / History 1900-2000 / Sailer, Johann Michael 1751-1832 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Catholic church, Erzdiözese München und Freising / Konzentrationslager Dachau / Martyr 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Catholic church / Canonization / Geschichte 2001 / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Liturgy / Martyr / Saints' calendar 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Catholic church / Ecumenical worship service / Germany / Maria, von Nazaret, Biblische Person / Monday / Pentecost 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Catholic church / Peace 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Cease fire / Great Britain / Memory / Ritual / School / World War 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Celebration / Identity / Israel / Italy / Jews 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Child / Human rights 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Christianity 1 View Records