Church and state Germany Würzburg 1 View Records
Church and state Germany Würzburg History 1 View Records
Church and state Germany Bamberg 1 View Records
Church history studies 1400-1500 / Würzburg 1 View Records
Church history studies 1400-1525 / Würzburg 1 View Records
Church History Middle Ages, 600-1500 1 View Records
Church / City / History 1400-1600 / Würzburg 1 View Records
Church / History 1400-1525 / Würzburg 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Würzburg / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Bamberg / Episcopal election 1 View Records
Catholic Church Germany Bamberg 1 View Records
Catholic Church Germany Würzburg 1 View Records
Citizen / Clergy / History 1400-1525 / Würzburg 1 View Records