Cemeteries 38 View Records
Cemetery 8 View Records
Cemetery / Addis Abeba / Foreigner 1 View Records
Cemetery / Alsace / Hégenheim 1 View Records
Cemetery / Archaeology / History / Levant (Süd) 1 View Records
Cemetery / Archaeology / Levant (Süd) 1 View Records
Cemetery / Berlin (Ost) / Jews 1 View Records
Cemetery / Boca Raton, Fla. / Grabgestaltung / Jurisdiction 1 View Records
Cemetery / Catholic church / China / History 1610-1949 / Inscription 1 View Records
Cemetery / Cemetery / Dresden / Germany / History / History 1517-1870 1 View Records
Cemetery / Ceramics / Abydos (Egypt) / Egypt (Antiquity) / Excavation / Grave / Sewage sludge / World trade 1 View Records
Cemetery / China / Christianity / Death / France / Funeral / Great Britain / Hongkong / Macau / Taiwan 1 View Records
Cemetery / Christian art / Polnische Ostgebiete / Sculpture 1 View Records
Cemetery / Christianity / Malabar / Tomb 1 View Records
Cemetery / Cimitero degli Stranieri Acattolici (Vatican Palace) / History / Vatican Palace 1 View Records
Cemetery / Collection of essays / Indonesia 1 View Records
Cemetery / Collective memory 1 View Records
Cemetery / Commemoration of the dead / Confessionalization / Custom / History 1500-1800 / Münsterland 1 View Records
Cemetery / Culture / Arab countries / Funeral / Funeral rite / Grave / History / Islam / MENA-Region / Near East 1 View Records
Cemetery / Culture / Death / Funeral / Funeral rite 1 View Records