Cathedra 5 View Records
Cathedra / Cathedral / Catholic church 1 View Records
Cathedra / Cathedral / Furnishing / Great Britain / History 1100-1500 1 View Records
Cathedra / Cathedral / Great Britain / History 1100-1500 1 View Records
Cathedra / Catholic church / Episcopal consecration / Liturgy 1 View Records
Cathedra / Catholic church / History 1 View Records
Cathedra / Catholic church / Ovambo / Pulpit / Sermon / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt), Sacrosanctum concilium 1 View Records
Cathedra / Cult of the dead / History 800 BC-500 1 View Records
Cathedra / Maximianus of Ravenna 498-556 1 View Records
cathedral 1 View Records
Cathedrals 1 View Records
cathedra(l) 1 View Records
Cathedra Petri 2 View Records
Cathedra Petri / Catholic church, Curia Romana / Discourse / History / Liturgy / Primacy / San Pietro in Vaticano (Vatican Palace) / Santa Maria Maggiore (Vatican Palace) 1 View Records
Cathedra Petri / Catholic church, Curia Romana / Liturgy / Primacy / San Pietro in Vaticano (Vatican Palace) / Santa Maria Maggiore (Vatican Palace) / Sirleto, Guglielmo 1514-1585 / Tract 1 View Records
Cathedra Petri / Herakles 1 View Records
Cathedra Petri (Festivity) / Catholic church, Verfasserschaft1, Missale Romanum / Mass / Sacramentary 1 View Records
Cathedra Petri (Festivity) / History / Liturgy 1 View Records
Catholic church / Canon law / Church leadership / Diocese 1 View Records
Catholic church / History / Ovambo 1 View Records