Blood / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch / Eating / Jewish ethics / Prohibition 1 View Records
Blood / Bible. Psalmen 16,4 / Greeks / Libation / Necromancy / Necromania / Psalms / Sacrifice 1 View Records
Blood / Blood-letting / Blood-vessels / Disease / Phlebotomy 2 View Records
Blood / Blood of Christ / Bible. Exodus 19-40 / Divine covenant / Eucharist / Ultima cena, The last supper / Victim (Religion) 1 View Records
Blood / Blood of Christ / Bible. Kolosserbrief 1,20 / Metaphor / Peace / Reconciliation / Semantics 1 View Records
Blood / Blood transfusion / Religious conviction / The Holy 1 View Records
Blood / Body / Myth / Symbol 1 View Records
Blood / Bronze / Compounding / Drowning / Fate / Gold ingots / Palace / Sargon Akkad, King ca. 2235 BC-2180 BC / Sumer / Tablets (Paleography) / Transliteration 1 View Records
Blood / Buddhism / Cultic purity / Douglas, Mary 1921-2007 / India / Menstruation / Taboo 1 View Records
Blood / Canon / Christianity / Judaism / Reconciliation / Victim (Religion) 1 View Records
Blood / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Eugenics / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / Health insurance fund / Prenatal diagnosis 1 View Records
Blood / Catholic church / Down-syndrome / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / Germany / Prenatal diagnosis 1 View Records
Blood / Christianity / Criticism / Culture / History / Metaphor / Symbolics / Western world 1 View Records
Blood / Christianity / Criticism / Symbolics 1 View Records
Blood / Color / Fruchtbarkeitsmerkmal / Old Testament / Sexuality 1 View Records
Blood / Comparative semantics / History 1500-1600 / Invention / Language / Literature / Resistance / Semantic field / World 1 View Records
Blood / Cult / Cultic purity / Judaism / Religious identity 1 View Records
Blood / Cult / Greece (Antiquity) / Israel (Antiquity) / Religion 1 View Records
Blood / Cult / History 1 View Records
Blood / Cult / Israel (Antiquity) / Mesopotamia 1 View Records