Bishop / Residence city / Germany 1 View Records
Bishop / Residence / Mitteldeutschland / History 1200-1400 1 View Records
Bishops 262 View Records
Bishops Residence requirements 1 View Records
Bishop / Reception / Catholic church / Theology / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Bishop / Reconciliation / Germany / Geschichte 1965 / Manifesto / Poles / Catholic church 1 View Records
Bishop / Reformed Church / Lutheran Church / United church 1 View Records
Bishop / Rejection of / Folk religion / History 300-700 / Late Antiquity / Mediterranean (West) / Church 1 View Records
Bishop / Religious conflict / History 1530-1700 / England / Rule 2 View Records
Bishop / Religious persecution / History 201-300 / Christian persecution 1 View Records
Bishop / Remarriage / Communion / Divorce / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Amoris laetitia 1 View Records
Bishop / Renewal / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Bishop / Reporting / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes / Catholic church 1 View Records
Bishop / Representation / History 100-500 1 View Records
Bishop / Retirement / Canon law 1 View Records
Bishop / Reward / Church leadership / Clergy / Diocese / England / History 1200-1300 / Church discipline 2 View Records
Bishops' 1 View Records
Bishop / Rise of / Honorary rights 1 View Records
Bishop / Roman law / Application of law / Egypt / History 300-800 / Audientia espiscopalis 1 View Records
Bishop / Rule / Congress / History 800-1200 / City / Tuscany 1 View Records