Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 4 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Antiochus IV Seleucid Empire, King 215 BC-164 BC / Historical background / Intertextuality / Jeremiah / Seleucid Empire / Seventy / Week 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Apocalypticism / Theology of history 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Apologetics / Messianism / Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens 150-230, Adversus Iudaeos / Theology of history 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Bible. Exodus 6,23 / Bible. Genesis 49,10 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Bible. Große Propheten / Bel and the dragon / Biblical studies / Daniel, Prophet / Exegesis / Number symbolism / Old Testament / Prophets / Seven / Seventy / Theology 3 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Biblical chronology / Early Judaism / Messianism / Primitive Christianity 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Biblical chronology / Enoch 83-90 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Biblical chronology / Messianism 3 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Book of Jubilees / Theology 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Church fathers / Church fathers / Exegesis / Exegesis 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Eusebius of Caesarea 260-339 / Theodoretus, Cyrrhensis 393-466 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Exegesis / Rabbinic Judaism 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Jewish War (66-70) / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, De bello Judaico / Oracle 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Messianism 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 9,24-27 / Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens 150-230 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 2,31-45 1 View Records
Bible. Daniel 3,17 1 View Records
Bible. Exodus 6,23 / High priest 1 View Records
Bible / Historiography 1 View Records