Bank / Credit system / Economy / Law / Islamic law 1 View Records
Bank / Credit system / Islamic countries 1 View Records
Bank / Credit system / Islam 1 View Records
Africa / Catholic church / Economy / Law / Islam / Ecology / Africa / Health / History / Culture / Christianity / Politics / Religion / Sociology 1 View Records
Ecumene / Islam / Islamic law / Law / School of law 1 View Records
Babylonia / Document / Economy / Law 1 View Records
Babylonia / Economy / Law 1 View Records
Bible / Economic ethics / Economy / Law / Justice / Goods (Economy) / Poverty / Wealth 1 View Records
Confession / Economy / History / Law / Immigration / Saxons 1 View Records
Europe / Islamic law / Law / Muslim / Swedes 1 View Records
Culture / Economy / International policy / Law / Politics / Science / Yugoslavia 1 View Records
Bank / Credit system / Debt 1 View Records
Ancient Orient / Christianity / Islamic law / Law / Slavery / Wedding ceremony / Zoroastrianism 1 View Records
Austria / Church school / Economy / Law / Church work / Private school 1 View Records
Catholic church / Culture / Economy / Law / Education / Globalization / History / Large city / Development / Politics / Sociology / Urbanization / Vatican Palace 1 View Records
China / Economy / Language / Law / Literature / Military / Philosophy / Politics / Religion / Science / Technics 2 View Records
Christianity / Democracy / Economy / Law / Politics / Public good / Romania / Theology 1 View Records
Comparison of cultures / Cultural contact / Interculturality / Law / Islamic law / Islam 1 View Records
Climate protection / Collection of essays / Economy / Law / Environmental ethics / Meteorological disaster / Social justice 1 View Records
Climate protection / Economy / Environmental ethics / Law / Meteorological disaster / Social justice 1 View Records