Apparition 19 View Records
Apparition / Absence / Resurrection / Synoptic Gospels 1 View Records
Apparition / Acts of the Apostles / Jesus Christus 1 View Records
Apparition / Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan 339-397 / Resurrection 1 View Records
Apparition / Angel / Cave / Michael Archangel / Monte Gargano 1 View Records
Apparition / Angel / Foundation legend / Michael Archangel / Monte Gargano / San Michele Arcangelo (Monte Sant'Angelo) 1 View Records
Apparition / Angel / History 1400-1500 / Michael Archangel / Miniature / Monte Gargano / Reception 1 View Records
Apparition / Angel / Michael Archangel / Monte Gargano 2 View Records
Apparition / Angel / Michael Archangel / Monte Sant'Angelo / Pilgrimage 1 View Records
Apparition / Apocrypha / New Testament / Resurrection 1 View Records
Apparition / Apocryphal gospels / Apocryphal apostle acts / Greece (Antiquity) / Historical background / Mythology / New Testament / Resurrection 3 View Records
Apparition / Augustinerinnenkloster Diepenveen / Benediktinerinnen / Dead woman / Geschichte 1452 / Nun 1 View Records
Apparition / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 24,36-49 / Resurrection 1 View Records
Apparition / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Dream / Julian of Toledo 642-690 / Vision 1 View Records
Apparition / Aumont, Madeleine 1924- / Dozulé / History 1 View Records
Apparition / Aumont, Madeleine 1924- / Dozulé / History 1871-1978 1 View Records
Apparition / Aumont, Madeleine 1924- / Dozulé / History 1972-1982 / Prophecy 1 View Records
Apparition / Authenticity / Bible. Johannesevangelium 21,1-14 / Bible. Markusevangelium 16,9-20 / Resurrection 1 View Records
Apparition / Authority / Jesus Christus / Paul Apostle / Revelation 1 View Records
Apparition / Bavaria / Belief in miracles / Catholic church / History 1830-1848 1 View Records