Acts of the Apostles / Eucharist / Sacrament / Ordo lectionum missae / Revised common lectionary / New Testament 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Fear of God / Salvation / Non-Christian 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Gospels / Sciance / New Testament 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Greek language / Semitism / Plural / Synoptic Gospels / Verb 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Hearing / Sight / Vision 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Historical background / Slavery / Primitive Christianity / Oikos 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Historical studies / Source criticism / Spring 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Historicity / Speech / Thucydides, Historiae 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Historiography / Speech / Josephus, Flavius 37-100 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / House church / Slavery / Rhoda / Jesus People 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Interruption / Speech 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, Antiquitates Judaicae / Speech / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, De bello Judaico 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, Antiquitates Judaicae / Speech / Rhetoric 2 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Narrative theory / Silence / Rhetoric / Silence / Speech / Speechlessness 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / New Testament / Sociology / Pauline letters 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / New Testament / Sociology / Sociology 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Old Testament / Speech / Peter Apostle / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Outsider / Speech 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Paul Apostle / Sermon / Rhetoric / Reception 1 View Records
Acts of the Apostles / Paul Apostle / Speech 2 View Records