Emblems 1 View Records
Epic 1 View Records
Epigram / Herrick, Robert 1591-1674, Hesperides 1 View Records
Epyllion / Latin 1 View Records
End of the world in literature 1 View Records
Electronic books 3 View Records
Revelation / N.T / Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc History 18th century England 1 View Records
Revelation / N.T / Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc History 19th century England 1 View Records
Revelation / N.T / Bible Influence 1 View Records
Revelation / N.T / Bible In literature 1 View Records
Body (Motif) / Eroticism (Motif) / Gender (Motif) / History 1450-1600 / Ovidius Naso, Publius 43 BC-17 / Reception / Renaissance 1 View Records
Cavendish, Jane 1621-1669, The concealed fansyes / Eroticism (Motif) / Marvell, Andrew 1621-1678, Upon Appleton House / Petrarca, Francesco 1304-1374 / Poetry / Reception / Spenser, Edmund 1552-1599 1 View Records
Conditional / Eroticism (Motif) / Petrarchism / Spenser, Edmund 1552-1599 1 View Records
Eroticism (Motif) / Society 1 View Records
Alchemy (Motif) / Early Modern English / Didactic poem 1 View Records
Christian Poetry / Early Modern English / Poetry 1 View Records
Early Modern English / Höfische Lyrik 1 View Records
Early Modern English / Incantation 1 View Records
Early Modern English / Poetics 1 View Records
Early Modern English / Religious poetry 2 View Records