The composition of Genesis 37: incoherence and meaning in the exposition of the Joseph story
Cover -- Foreword -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- Abbreviations & Symbols -- Chapter 1: History of Research -- 1. Documentary Hypothesis -- 1.1 Karl-David Ilgen -- 1.2 Hermann Hupfeld -- 1.3 Julius Wellhausen -- 1.4 Joel Baden -- 2. Form Criticism -- 2.1 Hermann Gunkel -- 2...
Summary: | Cover -- Foreword -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- Abbreviations & Symbols -- Chapter 1: History of Research -- 1. Documentary Hypothesis -- 1.1 Karl-David Ilgen -- 1.2 Hermann Hupfeld -- 1.3 Julius Wellhausen -- 1.4 Joel Baden -- 2. Form Criticism -- 2.1 Hermann Gunkel -- 2.2 Hugo Greßmann -- 2.3 Gerhard von Rad -- 3. Tradition Criticism -- 4. Unity -- 4.1 Wilhelm Rudolph -- 4.2 George Coats -- 4.3 Claus Westermann -- 5. Fortschreibung - Hypotheses of redactional updating -- 5.1 Donald Redford -- 5.2 Hans-Christoph Schmitt -- 5.3 Peter Weimar -- 6. Synchronic Readings -- 6.1 Jan Peter Fokkelman -- 6.2 James Ackerman -- 6.3 Edward Greenstein -- 6.4 Anthony Campbell and Mark O'Brien -- 7. Elements of Incoherence in the Text - A Summary -- 7.1 Tensions arising from reading the Joseph Story in the Pentateuch -- 7.2 Tensions arising from reading Genesis 37 in the Joseph Story -- 7.3 Problems internal to Genesis 37 -- 8. Analysis -- 9. Status Quaestionis -- Chapter 2: Gen 37,18-30 and the Sale of Joseph -- 1. Statement of Problem -- 2. Proposed Synchronic Solutions -- 2.1 The Midianites are Ishmaelites -- 2.2 The Midianites sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites -- 3. Proposed Diachronic Solutions -- 3.1 The text is a composition from two sources -- 3.1.1 Hermann Gunkel's proposal -- 3.1.2 Joel Baden's proposal -- 3.1.3 The hermeneutic of A. F. Campbell and M. A. O'Brien -- 3.1.4 Provisional conclusion -- 3.1.5 Analysis of ostensible doublets in Gen 37,18-30 -- 3.2 The section contains a short redactional addition -- 3.2.1 Erhard Blum's proposal -- 3.2.2 Analysis of Blum's proposal -- 3.2.3 Provisional conclusion -- 3.3 The text contains an original version and a redactional layer -- 3.3.1 'Judah' base text with 'Reuben' expansion -- 3.3.2 'Reuben' base text with 'Judah' expansion -- 3.3.3 Provisional conclusion. 4. Toward a New Solution to Gen 37,18-30 -- Chapter 3: Genesis 37,1-11 and the Exposition of the Joseph Story -- 1. Statement of Problem -- 1.1 Multiple causes of the brothers' malice toward Joseph -- 1.2 Doublets and contradictions within the dream sequences -- 1.3 Use of both Jacob and Israel to name the father -- 1.4 Specification of the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah -- 2. Proposed Diachronic Solutions -- 2.1 The text is a composition based on three source documents -- 2.1.1 Hermann Gunkel's proposal -- 2.1.2 The LXX variant of the dream sequences -- 2.1.3 Baruch Schwartz's proposal -- 2.2 The passage contains redactional updating layers -- 3. Toward a New Solution to Gen 37,5-11 -- 3.1 The problem of style as basis for unity of dreams -- 3.2 The purpose of dream pairing -- 3.3 The fulfillment of Joseph's dreams -- 3.4 The entirety of the second dream as a redactional expansion -- 3.4.1 The father's response (v. 10) -- 3.4.2 The celestial motif (v. 9b) -- 3.5 Multiple causes of the brothers' malice toward Joseph and v. 8b -- 3.6 The displaced problem of the plural "dreams" -- 3.7 Proposed original dream report reconstruction -- 4. Toward A New Solution to Gen 37,1-4 -- 4.1 In the land of his father's sojourning -- 4.2 The tôlēdôt -- 4.3 Notice of Joseph's age -- 4.3.1 Chronological markers within tôlēdôt formulae -- 4.3.2 Chronological markers independent of tôlēdôt formulae -- 4.4 The beginning of the narrative exposition of the JS -- 4.4.1 Joseph as a shepherd -- 4.4.2 Joseph the נַעַר and the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah -- 4.4.3 The problem of "evil slander" -- 4.5 Provisional conclusion -- 4.6 The wᵉqaṭal in Gen 37,3 and the redactional nature of כְּחֹנֶח פַּסִּים -- 5. Conclusion -- Chapter 4: The Unity of Gen 37,31-35 -- 1. Solutions Proposed -- 1.1 The passage is a composition from two sources -- 1.1.1 Joseph's special tunic 1.1.2 The father's mourning ritual -- 1.1.3 The patriarch's name -- 1.2 The passage contains a redactional updating layer -- 1.3 The passage is unified -- 2. Toward a Conclusion -- Chapter 5: The Unity of Gen 37,12-17 -- 1. Solutions Proposed -- 1.1 The passage is a composition from two sources -- 1.2 The passage contains a redactional updating layer -- 1.2.1 The proposal of D. Redford -- 1.2.2 The proposal of P. Weimar -- 2. Toward a Conclusion -- Chapter 6: The Composition of Genesis 37 -- 1. Synthesis of Results -- 2. The Nature of the Redactional Insertions -- 3. Indications of Provenance and Dating -- 3.1 Original narrative -- 3.2 Redactional expansions -- Appendix -- Bibliography -- Index of Biblical References -- Index of Authors -- Index of Subjects |
Physical Description: | 1 online resource (270 pages) |
ISBN: | 3161555414 |