Reviews: | , in: RRT 9 (2002) 212216 (Norton, Gerard J.)
, in: TS 63 (2002) 840-841 (Simkins, Ronald A.)
, in: IThQ 69 (2004) 93-94 (McCormack, A.W.)
, in: CBQ 66 (2004) 610-612 (Green, Barbara)
, in: CBQ 66 (2004) 610-612 (Green, Barbara)
, in: RB 112 (2005) 136-138 (Sonek, Krzysztof P.)
Book Reviews: Scripture Studies: Genesis as Dialogue: A Literary, Historical and Theological Commentary. By Thomas L. Brodie. Oxford: O.U.P., 2001. Pp. xxxii+579. Price euro80.87. ISBN 0-19-513836-8 (2004) (Mccormack, A.W.)
[Rezension von: BRODIE, THOMAS L., Genesis as Dialogue: A Literary, Historical, and Theological Commentary] (2004) (Green, Barbara, 1946 -)