Reviews: | Crenshaw, James L., The Psalms (2004) (Janowski, Bernd, 1943 -)
, in: TrinJ 25 (2004) 103-105 (Sigler, Tim M.)
, in: OTEs 16 (2003) 523-525 (Botha, P.J.)
, in: RBLit (2003)* (2003)* (Reid, Stephen Breck)
, in: OTEs 16 (2003) 523-525 (Botha, P.J.)
, in: RBLit (2003)* (2003)* (Reid, Stephen Breck)
Book Reviews: Scripture: The Psalms. An Introduction. By James L. Crenshaw. Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K.: Eerdmans, 2001. Pp. x + 187. Price: pbk 15.00; £9.99. ISBN 0-8028-0854-9 (2002) (Maher, Michael)
The Psalms. An Introduction (2004) (Janowski, Bernd, 1943 -)
[Rezension von: CRENSHAW, JAMES L., The Psalms: An Introduction] (2002) (Johnson, Timothy J., 1953 -)