Reviews: | , in: IThQ 64 (1999) 412-413 (Maher, Michael)
, in: JThS 51 (2000) 242-246 (Beaton, Richard)
, in: HeyJ 41 (2000) 334-336 (Goodacre, Mark)
, in: JSJ 31 (2000) 349-351 (Tomson, Peter J.)
, in: SNTU.A .A 27 (2002) 220-222 (Fuchs, Albert)
, in: RBLit (2003)* (2003)* (Nau, Arlo)
Book Reviews: Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism. The History and Social Setting of the Matthean Community (Studies of the New Testament and Its World, ed. by J. Barclay, J. Marcus and J. Riches). By David C. Sim. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1998. Pp. xvi+347. Price £27.50. ISBN 0-567-08641-0 (1999) (Maher, Michael)
REVIEWS (2000) (Beaton, Richard)
[Rezension von: SIM, DAVID C., The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism: The History and Social Setting of the Matthean Community (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)] (2000) (McKnight, Scot, 1953 -)