In: | Enthalten in: Bound volume contains: 1. A serious call in Christian love... / by Benjamin Holmes. -- 2. A letter to the rev. Noah Porter.../ by the author of "Views in theology". -- 3. Portrait of what are called "New measures".../ by An Eye Witness. -- 4. Essays and Reviews (Oxford clergymen's attack on Christianty) / by Francis Bowen. -- 5. The devil / by William R. Alger. -- 6. Tertullian / by John W. Chadwick. -- 7. Inspiration / by Joseph Henry Allen. -- 8. Natural theology / by Chauncey Wright. -- 9. Creeds. -- 10. New, sharp threshinh instrument, having teeth. -- 11. Steps of belief / by James Freeman Clarke. -- 12. Beecherism and its tendencies /by H.W. Beecher. -- 13. katechismus des Christenthums dritten jahntausends. -- 14. generation, regeneration, and conversion. -- 15. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" ([1867?]), Seite 289-304 |