Summary: | Vol. 1. Three letters to the Bishop of Bangor.- Vo. 2. Remarks upon a late book entitled "The fable of the bees."; The case of reason, or, Natural religion fairly and fully stated; The absolute unlawfulness of stage entertainments fully demonstrated.- Vol. 3. A practical treatise upon Christian perfection.- Vol. 4. A serious call to a devout and holy life.- Vol. 5. A demonstration of the gross and fundamental errors of a late book called "A plain account of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper"; The grounds and reason of Christian regeneration.- Vol. 6. An earnest and serious answer to Dr. Trapp's Discourse of the folly, sin and danger of being righteous over-much; An appeal to all that doubt or disbelieve the truths of the Gospel.- Vol. 7. The spirit of prayer; or the soul rising out of the vanity of time into the riches of eternity; The way to divine knowledge; being several dialogues between Humanus, Academicus, Rusticus, Theophilus.- Vol. 8. The spirit of love; A short but sufficient confutation of the Rev. Dr. Warburton's projected Defence of Christianity.- Vol. Of justification by faith and works; An humble, earnest, and affectionate address to the Clergy; A collection of letters on the most interesting and important subjects.