Summary: | The study of ecclesiastical history in its relation to the Faculties of Arts and Theology in the University of Manchester, by T.F. Tout.- The present movement of Biblical science, by A.S. Peake.- Recent Assyriology: its bearing on our views of the history of Israel, by H.W. Hogg.- Jewish religious beliefs in the time of Christ, by J.T. Marshall.- The Apocalyptic schools of Judaism in Biblical times, by Leonard Hassé.- The Greek language in the service of Christianity, by J.H. Moulton.- The biographical method in theology, by Alexander Gordon.- Ancient schools of theology, by W.F. Adeney.- Christian art in relation to Christian history, by E.L. Hicks.- The growth of creeds, by H.D. Lockett.- Evolution and the doctrine of sin, by R. Mackintosh.- The wisdom of the east, and how it came to the West, by T.W.R. Davids.