Prophetic rivalry, gender, and economics: a study in revelation and Sibylline Oracles 4-5
2. The Economics of Prophecy and Prophecy's ReceptionD. Conclusion; Chapter 1: Rival Prophets in Revelation: John, Balaam, and Jezebel; A. Introduction; B. John's True Prophecy; I. Revelation as Prophecy; II. John as a Prophet; C. Balaam the Rival Prophet; I. Balaam and Interpretation; II....
Summary: | 2. The Economics of Prophecy and Prophecy's ReceptionD. Conclusion; Chapter 1: Rival Prophets in Revelation: John, Balaam, and Jezebel; A. Introduction; B. John's True Prophecy; I. Revelation as Prophecy; II. John as a Prophet; C. Balaam the Rival Prophet; I. Balaam and Interpretation; II. Balaam and Gender; III. Balaam and Economics; D. Jezebel, "Who Calls Herself a Prophetess"; I. Jezebel and Interpretation; II. Jezebel and Gender; 1. Jezebel and Gender: A Close Reading of Revelation 2; 2. Jezebel and Gender within a Discourse of Divine Violence against Prophets. 3. Jezebel, Babylon, and Sexual Violence against Women in Revelation4. Jezebel and Gender: Conclusions; III. Jezebel and Economics; 1. Jezebel and Economics in 1-2 Kings; 2. Jezebel and Economics in Revelation; E. Conclusion; Chapter 2: Balaam in Philo and Josephus; A. Introduction; B. Balaam in Philo; I. Balaam in Philo: Interpretation; II. Balaam in Philo: Gender; III. Balaam in Philo: Economics; IV. Balaam in Philo: Conclusion; C. Balaam in Josephus; I. Balaam in Josephus: Interpretation; II. Balaam in Josephus: Gender; III. Balaam in Josephus: Economics; IV. Balaam in Josephus: Conclusion. B. Sibylline Oracles as PseudepigraphyI. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Sibylline Oracles; II. The Challenge of "Forgery" and the Sibylline Oracles; 1. Problems with the Sibyl as "Author": Scribalism and Prophetic Writing; 2. Problems with the Sibyl as "Author": Prophecy and Divine Inspiration; C. Sibylline Discourse: A Way Forward; I. Foucault's "Author Function" and the Sibylline Oracles; II. Sibylline Discourse; III. Sibylline Discourse among Roman "Fakes"; D. The Usefulness of Sibylline Discourse: Political Critique and Prophetic Rivalry. D. ConclusionChapter 3: Revelation's Combat Myth and Apollo's Shrine at Delphi; A. Introduction; I. The Usefulness of "Myth"; II. "Myth" and Revelation; B. The Specter of Apollo in Revelation's Reworked Combat Myth; I. The Reworked Combat Myth as Prophetic Rivalry; II. Gender and John's Combat Myth; C. Lucan's Civil War: Prophecy, Violence, Delphic Ambivalence; D. Prophecy and Economics at Delphi and in Revelation; I. Delphic Economics; II. Revelation's Prophetic Economy; E. Conclusion; Chapter 4: The "Effusive, Overflowing Life" of Sibylline Discourse; A. Introduction. Intro; Preface; Table of Contents; Introduction: Prophets and Their Rivals; A. The Texts; I. Prophecy Across Religious and Canonical Boundaries; II. Revelation, Sibylline Oracles 4-5, and Prophecy's Decline; B. The Structure; C. The Foci of This Study: Interpretation, Gender, and Economics; I. Interpretation of Earlier Traditions; 1. Interpretation for Prophetic Foundations and Prophetic Polemics; 2. Interpretation and "Traditionary Processes"; II. Gender; 1. Gender and Prophetic Agency; 2. Gender and Violence; III. Economics; 1. Prophetic Economies in Revelation and Sibylline Oracles 4-5. In dieser Studie untersucht Olivia Stewart Lester wahre und falsche Prophezeiungen im Geflecht von Deutung, Geschlecht und Wirtschaft in der Offenbarung des Johannes, den Sibyllinischen Orakeln 4-5 und zeitgenössischen antiken Texten aus dem Mittelmeerraum |
Item Description: | I. Sibylline Oracles as Political Critique |
Physical Description: | 1 Online-Ressource (254 pages) |