A Humanistic and Naturalistic Approach to the Dialogue Between Heavenly Monotheistic Religions = Humanistični in naturalistični pristop k dialogu med monoteističnimi religijami
The earlier encounter of three monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) dates back to the first quarter of the 7th century AC when the Qurʾ ān was revealed to Muḥammad, the prophet of Islam, so that he could warn the polytheistic tribes and the people of the book who had allegedly co...
Subtitles: | Humanistični in naturalistični pristop k dialogu med monoteističnimi religijami |
Main Author: | |
Format: | Electronic Article |
Language: | English Slovenian |
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Fernleihe: | Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste |
Published: |
Inštitut za ekumensko teologijo in medreligijski dialog pri Teološki fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
In: |
Edinost in dialog
Year: 2022, Volume: 77, Issue: 1, Pages: 45-81 |
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains: | B
/ Bible
/ Monotheism
/ Interfaith dialogue
IxTheo Classification: | AX Inter-religious relations BH Judaism BJ Islam CA Christianity |
Further subjects: | B
B človeštvo B Vera B Bible B Religion B Humanity B Qur'ān B Sveto pismo B Koran B qur'ān |
Online Access: |
Volltext (kostenfrei) Volltext (kostenfrei) Volltext (kostenfrei) |
Summary: | The earlier encounter of three monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) dates back to the first quarter of the 7th century AC when the Qurʾ ān was revealed to Muḥammad, the prophet of Islam, so that he could warn the polytheistic tribes and the people of the book who had allegedly corrupted Abraham’s belief system. In the understanding of this new religion that is based on the same religious and cultural roots as the previous two religions (Christianity, Judaism), Qurʾānic theological perspective and narrative are final revisions made by God and revealed to the prophet Muḥammad. So, the first meetings between them began under the shadow of these sorts of challenges. These encounters caused a contention as to which side has more coherent, reasonable and divine understanding of God, rather than providing agreeable, inclusive and egalitarian dialogue. Therefore, in this article, we will firstly examine the role played by the Qur'ānic verses and major exegetes who have represented the interpretative tradition in Islamic culture for centuries. Secondly, with the concept of the human-centrism, we will bring a new approach to the God-centred dialogue which was almost restricted to the theological competition, to sort out the challenges caused by this contention. Zgodnje srečanje treh monoteističnih religij (krščanstva, judovstva in islama) sega v prvo četrtino 7. stoletja po Kr., ko je bil Koran razkrit islamskemu preroku Mohamedu, da bi posvaril politeistična plemena in kristjane, ki so domnevno izmaličili Abrahamov sistem verovanja. V tej novi veri, ki izhaja iz istih verskih in kulturnih temeljev kot prejšnji dve (krščanstvo, judovstvo), sta koranska teološka perspektiva in pripoved razumljeni kot končna, popravljena različica, ki jo je ustvaril Bog in razkril prerok Mohamed. V senci teh sprememb so se torej začela prva srečanja treh religij, ki pa so kmalu prerasla v prepir o tem, katera stran premore bolj koherentno, smiselno in božansko razumevanje Boga, namesto da bi omogočila strpen, složen in enakopraven dialog. Zato v tem članku najprej preučimo vlogo nekaterih verzov Korana in glavnih eksegetov, ki so skozi stoletja predstavljali inter - pretativno izročilo v islamski kulturi. Nato s konceptom, ki poudarja človeka in humanost, predlagamo nov pristop k medverskemu dialogu, ki se je že skoraj sprevrgel v tekmovanje med verstvi, da bi rešili težave, ki jih povzroča ta spor. |
ISSN: | 2385-8907 |
Contains: | Enthalten in: Edinost in dialog
Persistent identifiers: | DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/77/01/Halil |