Je suis Charlie? Reflections on the Public Demonstrations against the Attacks in Paris

As a response against the terrorist attacks in Paris in January 2015, people adapted ‘Je suis Charlie’ as a slogan to show their solidarity with the victims. In this article, while condemning the killings, I would like to examine the situation from the perspective of public theology: 1) the nature o...

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Autore principale: Kim, Sebastian (Autore)
Tipo di documento: Elettronico Articolo
Verificare la disponibilità: HBZ Gateway
Journals Online & Print:
Fernleihe:Fernleihe für die Fachinformationsdienste
Pubblicazione: Brill 2016
In: International journal of public theology
Anno: 2016, Volume: 10, Fascicolo: 3, Pagine: 381-396
Notazioni IxTheo:AB Filosofia delle religioni
AD Sociologia delle religioni
BJ Islam
KBG Francia
Altre parole chiave:B Je Suis Charlie laïcité freedom of expression respect for faith interactive pluralism
Accesso online: Volltext (Verlag)