World War / History / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes 1 View Records
World War / History 1939-1941 / Jesuits / Soldier / Deutsches Reich, Wehrmacht 2 View Records
World War / History 1941-1945 / Religion / Stalin, Iosif V. 1878-1953 / Alliance policy 1 View Records
World War / Japan 1 View Records
World War / Legal violation / International law 1 View Records
World War / Military chaplain 1 View Records
World War / Military chaplain / Experience account 1 View Records
World War / Military chaplaincy / Catholic church 1 View Records
World War / Military chaplaincy / Germany 1 View Records
World War / Military chaplaincy / Rarkowski, Franz Justus 1873-1950 / Catholic church 1 View Records
World War / Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946 / Prehistory / Allies of World War II 1 View Records
World War / Outsider / Philosemitism / Protestantism / Salvation / Solidarity / Ukraine / Jews 1 View Records
World War / Peace efforts / History 1939-1941 1 View Records
World War / Pius XII Pope 1876-1958 / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes 1 View Records
World War / Preparation of / Propaganda / Germany 1 View Records
World War / Processing / Psychology / Great Britain 1 View Records
World War / Psychology / USA / Processing 1 View Records
World War / Question of war guilt 1 View Records
World War / Religion / Soldier / USA / History 1941-1945 1 View Records
World War / Resistance / History 1939-1940 1 View Records