Work / Craft / Metaphor / Benedikt, Montecassino, Abt, Heiliger 480-547, Regula Benedicti 1 View Records
Work / Creation / Metaphor / Garden / Bible 1 View Records
Work / Cultural contact / Middle Ages / Polemics / Religion / Scientific text / Talmûd bavlî / Translation / Anti-judaism 1 View Records
Work / Ethnic identity / Meaning / Jews / Israel / Arabs 1 View Records
Work / Family / Mental health / Pastor / Spirituality / Taiwan / Conflict 1 View Records
Work / Festivity / Meditation / Family 1 View Records
Work / Grieving process / Messiah / Last / Metaphor / Pain / God 1 View Records
Work / Higher studies / Schuster, Ildefonso 1880-1954 / Religious life 1 View Records
Work / Industrial society / Muslim / Interfaith dialogue / Germany 1 View Records
Work / Interpretation / Meaning / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005, Laborem exercens / Theology / Ecumene 1 View Records
Work / Kingdom of God / Matthew / Unemployment / Economic ethics 1 View Records
Work / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Market economy / Religiosity / Economic theory of religion 3 View Records
Work / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Metaphor / Idea of God 1 View Records
Work / Malaysia / Muslim woman / Wellness / Religiosity / Family 1 View Records
Work / Market economy / Catholic social teaching 2 View Records
Work / Market economy / Social welfare state / Future 1 View Records
Work / Marriage / Sexuality / Family 1 View Records
Work / Marxism 2 View Records
Work / Marxism / Christianity 1 View Records
Work / Marxism / Marx, Karl 1818-1883 / Person 1 View Records