Bible / Catholic church / Hermeneutics / History 1902-1993 1 View Records
Bible / Christianity / Exegesis / Hermeneutics / History 1946-2021 / Judaism / Paradigm shift 1 View Records
Bible / Conflict / Hermeneutics / Historical criticism / History 1900-1910 / Lagrange, Marie-Joseph 1855-1938 / Modernism 1 View Records
Bible / Conflict / Hermeneutics / History 1940-1960 / Mennonites / USA 1 View Records
Bible / Ecclesiology / Ecumene / Hermeneutics / Faith and Order / History 1971-1998 1 View Records
Bible / Ecumenical movement / Hermeneutics / History 1949-1989 / Missions theology 2 View Records
Bible / Ecumenical theology / Hermeneutics / History 1945-2000 1 View Records
Bible / Evangelical movement / Hermeneutics / History 1978-1988 1 View Records
Bible / Evangelical theology / Feminist theology / Hermeneutics / History 1970-2000 / USA 1 View Records
Bible / Hermeneutics / History 1900-1995 / The Postmodern 1 View Records
Bible / Hermeneutics / History 1902-1918 / Jewish Christianity / Rubanowitsch, Israel Johannes 1866-1941 1 View Records
Bible / Hermeneutics / History 1971-1984 / Latin America / Liberation theology 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / Book printing / History 1450-1527 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / Book printing / History 1455-1600 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / Christian upbringing / History 1800-1920 / School for the mentally handicapped 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / Devotional literature / History 1580-1700 / Compilation / Lutheran orthodoxy 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / Glass painting / History 1200-1320 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / History 1400-1520 / Reading behavior / Social structure 1 View Records
Bible / Germany / History 1400-1600 1 View Records
Allegoric exegesis / Bible / Confessionality / Hermeneutics / France / History 1500-1700 1 View Records