War / Religion / Antiquity 1 View Records
War / Religion / Antiquity / Near East / Greece (Antiquity) / Roman Empire / History 2 View Records
Wine / Religion / Antiquity 1 View Records
Wool / Religion / Antiquity 1 View Records
War / Religion / Ancient Orient / Roman Empire / Greece (Antiquity) 1 View Records
War / Religion / Army / World War / Bible / Secularization / USA / USA, Navy / Great Britain / Great Britain, Navy / World War 1 View Records
War / Religion / Art / History 1552 BC-1070 BC / Ramses II Egypt, Pharao 1290 BC-1223 BC / Egypt (Antiquity) / Hierarchy 1 View Records
War / Religion / Abolition of / Contrast 1 View Records
War / Religion / Architecture / Woman / Darius I Iran, King 550 BC-486 BC / Empire / Inscription / Kyros, I., Iran, König 657 BC-600 BC / Persepolis / Persian / Behistan / Tribute / Cambyses II Iran, King / Capital city 1 View Records
War / Religion / Armed conflict / Fundamentalism 1 View Records
War / Religion / War of religion 1 View Records
War / Religion / Augustus Roman Empire, Emperor 63 BC-14 / Caesar, Gaius Iulius 100 BC-44 BC / Sulla, Lucius Cornelius 138 BC-78 BC / Pompeius Magnus, Gnaeus 106 BC-48 BC 1 View Records
War / Antiquity 2 View Records
War / Religion 16 View Records
War / Religion / Bible. Judge 3-8 1 View Records
War / Religion / Ethics / Islam / Judaism / Peace / Comparison of cultures / Christianity 2 View Records
War / Religion / Evil / Weil, Simone 1909-1943 1 View Records
War / Religion / Hebrew language / Wrath / Holy Spirit / Greek language / Symbol / Violence / Bible. Judge 14-15 / Hebrew writing 1 View Records
War / Religion / Historiography / Herodotus, Historiae / Gibbon, Edward 1737-1794, History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire 1 View Records
War / Religion / History 4 View Records