Voluntary service 41 View Records
Voluntary service / Baden-Württemberg / Project / Protestant Church / Adult / Youth work 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Bahnhofsmission Berlin 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Biography 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Board of directors / Liability / Association 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Danske folkekirke 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Devotions 2 View Records
Voluntary service / Diaconia 6 View Records
Voluntary service / Diaconia / Aid to delinquents / Youth welfare work 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Diaconia / Bremen 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Diaconia / Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Distributive justice / Work 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Diversity / Netherlands / Diaconia 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Eagle / Heroism / Kramer, Samuel Noah 1897-1990 / Love / Lugalbanda-Epen / Scribe / Sumer / Ambiguity / Wilcke, Claus 1938- 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Emergency / Muslim / Training / Accompaniment (Psychology) 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Europe / Religiosity / Altruism 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen / Woman 1 View Records
Voluntary service / Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Hannovers 2 View Records
Voluntary service / Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Hannovers / Devotions 1 View Records