USA / Conflict / Catholic church / Political ethics / History 1954-1975 / Vietnam War 1 View Records
USA / Conscience / Catholic church / Human rights / Protest movements / History 1960-1980 1 View Records
USA / Europe / Catholic church / History 1965-2000 1 View Records
USA / Europe / Controversy / Jewish community / Montréal / History 1950-1975 / Rabbi / Origin 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Church reform / Ecclesiology / History 1887-1937 1 View Records
USA / Catholicism / Catholic church / History 1981-1989 / Conservatism 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / College student / Institute of higher learning / History 1920-2000 / Value education 1 View Records
USA / Experience account / Catholic church / History 1973-1993 / Conversion (Religion) / Protestant 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Confession of sin / Love relationship / Political scandal / History 1884-2002 / Publicity / Sexual behavior / Politician 1 View Records
Armenische Apostolische Kirche / Ecumene / Catholic church / Conflict / History 1300-1400 1 View Records
USA / Ecclesiology / Controversy / Congregational leadership / Church or God (Anderson, Ind.) / History 1880-1900 / Methodism 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Calvinism / Political Protestantism / Republican Party (USA) / History 1800-1998 1 View Records
USA / Conflict / Catholic church / Mass wine / Prohibition / History 1893-1933 1 View Records
USA / Convert / Catholic church / History 1800-1997 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Constitution-making / History 1830-1854 / Constitutional law 1 View Records
Catholic church / Ecumene / Confessionality / History 1900-1999 / Religious identity 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Change / Sermon / History 1970-2000 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Church / History 1945-1989 / State / The Right / Fundamentalism 1 View Records
USA / Evangelical movement / Criticism / History 1960-1970 / Church renewal / Secularization / Liberal theology 1 View Records
USA / Europe / Catholic church / History 1800-2022 / Literature report / Historiography / Reproductive medicine / Medical ethics 1 View Records