Theodorus, Mopsuestenus 352-428 / Psalms / Translation / Syriac language 1 View Records
Theodorus, Mopsuestenus 352-428 / Syriac language / Translation / Reception 1 View Records
Theodorus, Mopsuestenus 352-428 / Pauline letters / History 400-1200 / Syriac language / Mušē Bar-Kēpā 813-903 / Exegesis / John, Chrysostomus 344-407 / Dionysios Bar-Ṣalibi -1171 1 View Records
Theodorus, Mopsuestenus 352-428 / Psalms 1 View Records
Theodorus, Mopsuestenus 352-428 / Psalms / Messiah / Diodorus, Tarsensis -394 1 View Records
Tobit / Psalms of Solomon / Translation / Syriac language / Peshitta / Ezra 3. / Oratio Manassis / Bible / Odes of Solomon 1 View Records
Translation / Psalms of Solomon / Syriac language 1 View Records
Theory / Patristics / Translation / Syriac language / Textual criticism / Relationship / Christianity / Judaism 1 View Records
Theodotus, Ancyranus -445 / Controversy / Translation / Syriac language / Greek language / Invective / Dialogue / Christology / Cyrillus, Alexandrinus 380-444 1 View Records
Text history / Peshitta / Translation / Syriac language / Problem / Old Testament / Bel and the dragon / Old Testament 1 View Records
Translation / Patristics / Greek language / Syriac language / Exegesis / Problem / Gregory of Nyssa 335-394 / Church fathers 1 View Records
Translation / Problem / Greek language / Syriac language / Arabic language 1 View Records
Translation / Problem / Spring / Syriac language / Greek language 1 View Records
Theology / Psalms / Translation / Exegesis / German language / Geschichte 1778 / Old Testament / Biblical studies / Psalms / Bible. Altes Testament. Poetische Bücher / David, Israel, König 1 View Records
Theology / Psalms / Translation / Reception / Hessus, Helius Eobanus 1488-1540 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
The bay psalm book / Psalms / Translation / Sidney, Philip 1554-1586 / Early Modern English / Wither, George 1588-1667 1 View Records
Tobit / Peshitta / Translation / Syriac language / Song of Songs / Bible / Ezra 4. 1 View Records
Translation / Pericope / Syriac language / Bible 1 View Records
Translation / Peshitta / Bible. Baruch 6 / Syriac language / Jeremiah / Lamentations / Bible / Jeremiah / Apocalypse of Baruch 1 View Records
Translation / Peshitta / Bible. Chronicle 1.-2. / Syriac language / Bible 1 View Records