Eckhart Meister 1260-1328 / Manner of living / Philosophy 1 View Records
Finiteness / Manner of living / Philosophy / Limitedness 1 View Records
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 1869-1948 / Manner of living / Philosophy / Hinduism / India / Piety / Religious life / Spirituality / Spiritual life / Style of life 1 View Records
History / Manner of living / Philosophy / Reception 1 View Records
James, William 1842-1910 / Manner of living / Philosophy / Meaning of life 1 View Records
Life situation counseling / Manner of living / Philosophy 1 View Records
Manner of living / Meaning of life / Philosophy / Self-knowledge 1 View Records
Manner of living / Paul Apostle / Philosophy 1 View Records
Manner of living / Philosophy 3 View Records
Manner of living / Philosopher / Plato 427 BC-347 BC 1 View Records
The Modern / Art / Philosophy teaching / Ethics teaching / Art education / Religious instruction / Aesthetic education 1 View Records
The Modern / Guizot, François 1787-1874 / Philosophy of history / Political philosophy / Culture 1 View Records
The Modern / History / Philosophy of science / The Postmodern / Cognition theory / Theory / Knowledge / The Postmodern 1 View Records
The Modern / Philosophy of history 1 View Records
The Modern / Philosophy of history / Avant-garde 1 View Records
The Modern / Metaphysics / Philosophical theology / Religion / Intellectual history 1500-1800 1 View Records
Theology / Manner of living / Philosophical anthropology / Mysticism / Phenomenology / Husserl, Edmund 1859-1938 / Ethics 1 View Records
The Modern / Philosophy of language / Scotism / Cognition theory 1 View Records
The Modern / Conception of History / Philosophia perennis / Topicality / Hermeneutics / Catholic theology / History 1880-1960 / Tradition 1 View Records
The Modern / Philosophical theology / Christian philosophy 1 View Records