Text analysis / Textual criticism / Exegesis / Old Testament 1 View Records
Text analysis / Textual criticism / Gender studies / ḥll / Holy / ḳdsh / Philology / Priest / Reconstruction / Embodiment / Essence / The Profane / Wholeness 1 View Records
Text analysis / Textual criticism / Literature / Bible / Ezechiel, Prophet 1 View Records
Text analysis / Textual criticism / Old Testament / Spring / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch / Literature 1 View Records
Text analysis / Textual criticism / P.Beatty II / Bible. Hebräerbrief 11,37 / Manuscript 1 View Records
Text analysis / Textual linguistics 1 View Records
Text analysis / Textual semiotics / Literature 2 View Records
Text analysis / Textübertragung / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Höhle 4, Qumran / Matthew / Bible. Psalmen 25-34 / Compounding 1 View Records
Text analysis / Theodotion, Interpres Veteris Testamenti ca. 2. Jh. / Bel and the dragon / Old Testament 1 View Records
Text analysis / Theodotion, Interpres Veteris Testamenti ca. 2. Jh. / Bible. Daniel 14 / Old Testament 1 View Records
Text analysis / Theology / Jüngel, Eberhard 1934-2021 / Ricœur, Paul 1913-2005 / Brinker, Klaus 1938-2006 / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Text analysis / Thesis / Literature / Mythology / Ritual book / China / Liji 1 View Records
Text analysis / The Tale of the two brothers 1 View Records
Text analysis / Tiara / Hebrew language / keter / Lexeme / Loanword / Persian language / Esther Biblical character / Greek language / Tiaras (Motif) 1 View Records
Text analysis / Torture / Language / Pain / Bible. Markusevangelium 15 / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Text analysis / tot / Meaning / Necromancy / Necromancy / People / Spirit / Bible. Ezechiel 13,17-23 / Daughter 1 View Records
Text analysis / Transjordan land (Landscape) / Gender / Jephthah / Jobling, David 1941- / Literature / Lot Biblical character / Moab / Ruth Biblical character / Bible. Numeri 25 / Daughter / Zelofhad 1 View Records
Text analysis / Translation / Bible. Genesis 42 / Bible. Genesis 43 / Social culture / Africa / Bible 1 View Records
Text analysis / Translation / German language / Psalms 1 View Records
Text analysis / Truth (Motif) 1 View Records