Supernatural being / Haiti / Influence / Christianity / Voodooism 1 View Records
Supernatural being / History 1800-1980 / Japan / Conception / Yōkai 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Hope / The deer hunter (Film) (1978) / Violence 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Idea of God / Algonquin Indians 1 View Records
Supernatural being / India / Oral history / Cult / World of experience 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Interculturality / Memory / Culture mediation / Tradition 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Java / Bali (African people) 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Knowledge / Kognitive Religionswissenschaft / Mythology / Germanic peoples / Theory of mind 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Kognitive Religionswissenschaft / Mentalization / Faith 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Mediator / Religion / Ancient Orient 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Mère, La 1878-1973 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Morals / Prestige / Reciprocity / Religion / Altruism 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Narrative (Grammar) / Necromancy / Necromancy / Psi / Esotericism 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Pauline letters 2 View Records
Supernatural being / Philippines / Folk religion 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Plot / Kognitive Religionswissenschaft 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Primitive Christianity / Early Judaism 3 View Records
Supernatural being / Religiosity / Kognitive Religionswissenschaft 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Religious experience / Anthroposophist 1 View Records
Supernatural being / Sacred object / Religious art / Burma / Buddhism 1 View Records