Canonical process / Catholic church, Pontificium Consilium de Legum Textibus Interpretandis / Instruction / Church office / Geschichte 2005 / Marriage process / Nullity of marriage 1 View Records
Canonical process / Canon law / Catholic church, Rota Romana / Church marriage law / Marriage process 1 View Records
Beatification / Canonization / Inquisition / Church discipline / Catholic church / History 1500-1700 1 View Records
Subsidiarity principle / Canon law / Church leadership / Catholic church 1 View Records
Canonical process / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes / Church criminal law / Heresy / Heretic / History 1100-1300 1 View Records
Catholic church / Church work / Institution / Preaching / Weißenfels 1 View Records
Catholic church / Church work / Instruction / Geschichte 2004 / Liturgy / Migration / Popular piety 1 View Records
Catholic church / Church work / Instruction / Geschichte 2004 / Migration 3 View Records
Catholic church / Church work / Instruction / Immigrants 2 View Records
Canonical process / Catholic church, Diözese Mainz / Church / Conrad of Fritzlar / Germany / History 1431-1435 / Procedural law 1 View Records
Sense of faith / Catholic church / Inspiration / Church teaching office / Holy books / Tradition 1 View Records
Canonical process / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre / Inquisition / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes / History 1590-1640 / Inquisition proceedings 1 View Records
Secular priest / Catholic church / Indians / Church policy / Order priest / History 1600-1700 / Yucatán 1 View Records
Solidarity / Catholic church / India / Church life 1 View Records
Canon law / Catholic church / Italians / Church congregation / Church history studies 1860-1920 / Church administration / Layman / USA 1 View Records
Catholic church / Church journalism / Internet / Church publicity work 5 View Records
Saints / Canonization / Church life / Catholic church 1 View Records
Saints / Canonization / Church life / Catholic church / History 1800-2000 1 View Records
Canonical process / Catholic church, Signatura Apostolica / Church association / Entscheidungssammlung / Parish / Priest / Religious 1 View Records
Sunday / Catholic church / Intercession / Church year / Worship service 7 View Records