Sturzo, Luigi 1871-1959 / Correspondence / De Gasperi, Alcide 1881-1954 1 View Records
Sturzo, Luigi 1871-1959 / Correspondence / Political Catholicism 1 View Records
Sturzo, Luigi 1 View Records
Sturzo, Luigi Correspondence 1 View Records
State / Correspondence / Catholic church / Church / Bettazzi, Luigi 1923-2023 / Geschichte 1977 / Italy / Partito comunista italiano / Berlinguer, Enrico 1922-1984 2 View Records
State / Correspondence / Church / Geschichte 1831 / Hommer, Joseph von 1760-1836 / Pestel, Philipp von 1767-1835 / Reform Catholicism / Catholic church, Diözese Trier 1 View Records
State / Correspondence / Church / History 1884-1896 / Landser / Relocation (Change of locality) / Abtei Rathausen-Thyrnau / Zisterzienserinnen 1 View Records
State / Correspondence / Southern Baptist Convention / Geschichte 1927 / Mullins, Edgar Y. 1860-1928 / Public school / Controversy / Church / Theory of evolution / USA 1 View Records
State / Correspondence / Spain / Franco, Francisco 1892-1975 / History 1965-1973 / Paul, VI., Pope 1897-1978 / Church / Catholic church 1 View Records
State / Correspondence / Spain / History 1557-1560 / Politics / Fresneda, Bernardo de / Church 1 View Records
Stift Melk / Correspondence / Estate / Historian / History 1709-1740 / Inventory / Pez, Bernhard 1683-1735 / Benedictines 1 View Records
Sturzo, Luigi 1871-1959 / Confessionality / Controversy / Gemèlli, Agostino 1878-1959 / Geschichte 1919 / Partito Popolare Italiano (1919-1926) / Religious identity / Christian politics 1 View Records
Sturzo, Luigi 1871-1959 / Congress 1 View Records
Sterrell, William / Correspondence / Jesuits / London / History 1601-1603 / Venice 1 View Records
Structural reform / Correspondence / Catholic church / Brauer, Johann Nikolaus Friedrich 1754-1813 / Geschichte 1813 / Baden / Wessenberg, Ignaz Heinrich von 1774-1860 1 View Records
Strauss, Leo 1899-1973 / Correspondence / Secularization / Löwith, Karl 1897-1973 / Reception / History 1935-1946 / Classical antiquity / The Modern 1 View Records
Stepun, Fedor 1884-1965 / Correspondence / Tillich, Paul 1886-1965 1 View Records
Stefanini, Luigi 1891-1956 / Correspondence / Christian philosophy / Catholic church / History 1928-1931 / Blondel, Maurice 1861-1949 2 View Records
Sternberger, Dolf 1907-1989 / Correspondence / History 1933-1963 / Tillich, Paul 1886-1965 1 View Records
Steinhuber, Andreas 1825-1907 / Correspondence / History 1902-1903 / Ehrhard, Albert 1862-1940 1 View Records