State / Political action / History / Muslim / Islam / Russia / Legal status / Ural-Wolga-Gebiet 1 View Records
Stalinism / Political persecution / History / Soviet Union / Protestant 1 View Records
State / Political conflict / History / History 1979-1993 / Iran / Islam / Culture / Political system / Religion / Religious freedom / Religious policy / Revolution / Church policy 1 View Records
State / Political culture / History / Liberalism / Democracy / Reception / Church / USA 1 View Records
State / Political culture / History / Religion / Federalist Party / USA 1 View Records
State / Political ethics / History / Church 1 View Records
State / Political persecution / History / Soviet Union / Rußlanddeutsche / Catholic church 1 View Records
State / Political philosophy / History / Germany 1 View Records
State / Political philosophy / History / Legislation / Natural law 1 View Records
State / Political Protestantism / History / Germany (Bundesrepublik) 1 View Records
State / Political theology / History / Church 1 View Records
State ideology / Political philosophy / History 1876-1909 / Social sciences / Ottoman Empire / Ideology / Political theory / Power / Legitimacy / History / Theory of the state 1 View Records
Strafvollzugsanstalt Bautzen 1 / Political prisoner / History 1 View Records
Strafvollzugsanstalt (Bautzen, 2) / Political prisoner / History 1 View Records
Shi'ah / Political activity / History / Shi'ah / Politics / Historical consciousness / Islam 1 View Records
Social norms / Political anthropology / History / Nature / Power / Gender composition / World view 1 View Records
Swieten, Gottfried van 1733-1803 / Political action / History 1 View Records
School for continuing education / Political education / History / School year 1-12 / Elementary school / Elementary school / Character building / History teaching / Lesson planning / Local history lessons / Business and employment studies / Religion / Adult education center / Cultural space / Secondary school / Subject matter / Unity school 1 View Records
Science of Religion / Political change / History / Religion / Central Europe 1 View Records
Secularism / Political philosophy / History / Enlightenment / Religion / Cultural identity 1 View Records