Social service / Religion / Ecclesiastical social work 2 View Records
Social service / Religion / Politics / USA 1 View Records
Social service / Religion / Social work / Spirituality 2 View Records
Social services / Religious organization / Empirical research 1 View Records
Social services / Religious organization / Inclusion (Sociology) / Image of God / Heilsarmee 1 View Records
Social services / Religious organization / State law of churches / Diaconia / Caritas / Germany 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious freedom / Germany / Ecclesiastical social work / Religious organization / Constitutional law 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious identity / Catholic church 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious identity / Faith / Developing countries / Wellness 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious identity / Pluralistic society / Church institution 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious identity / Religious organization / Development project 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious identity / Secularization / Catholic church 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious pedagogy / Christian upbringing / Youth welfare work 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious community / Diaconia / Brunner-Dubey, Pièrre / Basel 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious community / Spirituality / Diaconia 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious education / Project / Caritasverband für das Bistum Dresden-Meißen / Youth welfare work 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious education / Project / Youth welfare work 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious education / Youth welfare work 1 View Records
Social service institution / Religious pluralism / Diaconia / Identity / Management / Confessionality / Caritas 2 View Records
Social service institution / Religious pluralism / Diaconia / Management / Confessionality / Caritas 1 View Records