Slavic languages / Apocrypha / Handwriting 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Anointing of the sick / Handwriting / Liturgy of Saint James / History 1200-1400 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Apocrypha / Bible / Translation 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Apocrypha / Leiter Jakobs 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Apocrypha / Old Testament 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Apocrypha / Pseudepigrapha / Old Testament 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Handwriting / Gregorios, Thessaloniki, Metropolit, Heiliger 1296-1359 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Handwriting / Staatliche W. W. Kujbyschew-Universität, Library 1 View Records
Slavic languages / History / Handwriting / John, Climacus 575-650 / Translation 3 View Records
Slavic languages / History 1200-1650 / Handwriting / Old Testament / Legal source 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Library / Handwriting / Moscow 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Monastery library / Handwriting / Suceviṭa / Romanian language 1 View Records
Slavic languages / Pontificio Istituto Orientale / Handwriting 1 View Records
Sahidic language / Apocrypha / Handwriting / Solomon Israel, King / Bible. Könige 1. 3,4-6 / Bible. Könige 1. 3,3-13 / Bible. Könige 1. 3,8-10 / Text comparison 1 View Records
Sinaikloster / Apocrypha / Handwriting / Greek language / New Testament / Paul Apostle / Fragment 3 View Records
Syriac language / Apocrypha / Handwriting / Greek language / Arabic language / History 400-1450 / Apocalypse of Daniel 1 View Records
Abraham, Biblical person / Apocrypha / Handwriting / Genesis / Old Armenian / Old Testament 1 View Records
Adam und Eva / Apocrypha / Handwriting / Literature / Old Armenian / Old Testament 1 View Records
Apocrypha / Armenia / Handwriting / Literature 1 View Records
Apocrypha / Canon / Handwriting / History 100-400 / New Testament 1 View Records