Shakespeare, William 1564-1616 / Biography 1 View Records
Ship captains / Biography / Johanniter / Provence / History 1100-1200 1 View Records
Sharp, James *1613-1679* Biography 1 View Records
Saint / Biography 2 View Records
Saint / Biography / China / Buddhism 1 View Records
Saint / Biography / Crypt / Dionysius, Saint ca. 3. Jh. / Genevieve of Paris 422-502 / Historiography / Legend / Martyr / Middle Latin language / Paris / Crypt 1 View Records
Saint / Biography / Germany / History 1470-1530 / Author 1 View Records
Saint / Biography / History 1300-1325 / Franco-Venetian 2 View Records
Saint / Biography / History 400-1165 / England (Nord) 1 View Records
Saint / Biography / History 800-1400 / Bohemians 1 View Records
Saint / Biography / Russia / History 1 View Records
Salvation-history / Biography / Einhard 770-840, Vita Karoli Magni 1 View Records
Salvation-history / Biography / Jesus Christus 2 View Records
Samson of Dol -565 / Biography / History 2 View Records
Sangdrol, Ngawang 1978- / Biography 1 View Records
Sankt Ottilien / Biography / Geschichte 1922–1965 / Globalization / Kloster Sankt Ottilien / Kloster Sankt Ottilien / Mission (international law / Ordo Sancti Benedicti, Congregatio Ottiliensis pro Missionibus Exteris / Benedictines / Tanganjika / Tanganyika (Territory) / Tanzania / Transnationaization 1 View Records
Sanskrit language / Biography / Buddha 563 BC-483 BC 1 View Records
Satire / Biography / Story / Egypt (Antiquity) / Fable / Forme / Hopelessness / Hymn / Literature / Oral tradition / Protest / Allegory / Courtly literature 1 View Records
Satzenhoven, Caroline, Gräfin von 1728-1785 / Biography / Stift Vilich / Belderbusch, Kaspar Anton von 1722-1784 1 View Records
Sava, Sveti 1169-1235 / Biography 1 View Records