Romance / History 1790-1860 / Literature / USA 1 View Records
Romance / History 1790-1860 / Romance / Literature / Literature / USA / USA 1 View Records
Romance (Motif) / History 1945-2010 / Literature 1 View Records
Romance languages / History 1900-2000 / Language development 1 View Records
Roman question / History 1919-1923 / Mussolini, Benito 1883-1945 / Political Catholicism / Fascism 1 View Records
Romantic love / History 1870-1970 / Jews / Marriage / Germany 1 View Records
Roma (People) / History 1941-1945 / Jews / Crime against humanity / Serbs / Ustaša 1 View Records
Romans / History / Germany / Exegesis / Evangelical theology 1 View Records
Religion (Motif) / History 2002-2015 / Literature / USA 1 View Records
Religious identity / History 2016-2018 / Populism / Cultural policy / Trump, Donald 1946- / USA 1 View Records
Romero, Oscar A., Saint 1917-1980 / History 1980-1993 / ElSalvador / Catholic church 1 View Records
Anglican Church / History 2000-2012 / Conflict / Church life / Williams, Rowan 1950- 1 View Records
Berlin / History 2001-2003 / Design 1 View Records
Church life / History 2000-2012 / Church of England / Williams, Rowan 1950- 1 View Records
Coming to terms with the past / History 2000-2006 1 View Records
Europe / History 2000-2010 / Orthodox Church 1 View Records
History 2000-2018 / Patriotism / Political conflict / USA / Value system 1 View Records
History 2001-2003 1 View Records
Robbery / History 1940-1944 / Paris / Photography / Plundering / Jews / World War 1 View Records
Rockefeller, John D. 1839-1937 / History 1900-1960 / Religious development / Protestantism / Charities / USA 1 View Records