Revelation / Violence / Theodrama / Mimesis / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Revelation / Hermeneutics / Theology / Koran / Language / Christianity / Islamic theology / Word of God 2 View Records
Revelation / Hermeneutics / Theology / Prayer / Biography / Philosophy 1 View Records
Revelation / Islamic theology / Theology / Language / Hermeneutics / Koran / Word of God 2 View Records
Revelation / Koran / Theology / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Revelation / Pannenberg, Wolfhart 1928-2014 / Theology / Hermeneutics / Theology of history 1 View Records
Revelation / Philosophy of history / Theology / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Revelation / Violence / Theology / The Dramatic / Apocalypticism 2 View Records
Religious literature / Violence / Theology / Rule / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Bible / Violence / Theodicy / Jesus Christus / Hermeneutics / Prophecy / Peace / Exegesis 1 View Records
Hermeneutics / Mimesis / Theology 1 View Records
Revelation / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt), Dei Verbum 12 / Teaching profession / Method / Hermeneutics / Exegesis / Bible / Document / Catholic church 2 View Records
Revelation / Hermeneutics / Theology of history / Bible 1 View Records
Revelation / Halacha / tôrah / Maimonides, Moses 1135-1204 / Hermeneutics / Commandment / Prohibition 1 View Records
Revelation / Catholic church / Theological cognition theory / Benedikt, XVI., Pope 1927-2022 / Hermeneutics 1 View Records
Revelation / Hermeneutics / Historical background / Method / Neutestamentliche Hermeneutik / New Testament / Exegesis 2 View Records
Revelation / Hermeneutics / Theological cognition theory / Bible 1 View Records
Girard, René 1923-2015 / Violence / The Holy / Mimesis / Victim (Religion) 1 View Records
Revelation / Violence / Metaphor 1 View Records
Revelation / Victim (Religion) / Girard, René 1923-2015 / Mimesis / Scapegoat 1 View Records