Commemoration day / Congregational pedagogy / Paul Apostle / Peter Apostle 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Conscience / Institut für Theologie und Frieden / Nagel, Ernst Josef 1931-2001 / Peace / Sin 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Custom / German language area 1 View Records
Commemoration day / End of a war / Germany / History 1945-1985 / World War 1 View Records
Commemoration day / End of a war / Germany / World War 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Father / Judaism / Memorial service 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Germany 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Grieving process / History 2008-2010 / Stillbirth / Swedes 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Herero / Unity 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Historical event / History 1660-1800 / Ireland / National consciousness / Protestantism 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Historical event / Jubilee / Memory 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Historical event / Jubilee / Tradition consciousness 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Historical event / Political sermon 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Historical event / Protestant Church / Worship service 1 View Records
Commemoration day / Jewish persecution 2 View Records
Commemoration day / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / John, XXIII., Pope 1881-1963 / Liturgy / Worship service 1 View Records
Religious festival / Calendar / International comparison 1 View Records
Reconciliation 1 View Records
Religion 2 View Records
Religious festival / Judaism / Season 1 View Records