Reformation / Catholic church / Reformation anniversary (2017) / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Protestant Church / Ecumene / Leppin, Volker 1966- / Wittenberg 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Reformation anniversary (2017) / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reform 2 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church 3 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church, Diözese Würzburg / Church law / Clergyperson / Confession / Osterburken / Protestant Church / Catholic church / Wedding ceremony 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Baptism / Protestant Church / Anabaptists 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Beatification / Ireland / Martyr / Ball, Margaret 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Bohemian countries / Exegesis / History 1420-1450 / Bible 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Business connection / Welser-Gesellschaft 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Church / Unity 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Church history studies 1500-1545 / Clergy / Diözese Ljubljana / Carniola 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Church history writing 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Church of England / Communion / History 1200-1571 / Admission to 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Collins, Dominic / Ireland / Martyr / Beatification 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Congar, Yves 1904-1995 / Church history writing 2 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Controversial theology / Geschichte 1551 / Jude / Polemics / Commentaria in omnes divi Pauli, et alias septem canonicas epistolas, Politi, Lancelotto 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Conversion (Religion) / Karlstadt, Andreas 1486-1541 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Monasticism / Pellicanus, Conrad 1478-1556 / Bucer, Martin 1491-1551 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Counter-Reformation / Discipline / History 1500-1648 / Protestantism / Comfort 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Current issues / Confessionalization 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Dogmatics 1 View Records
Reformation / Catholic church / Ecclesiastical communion / Pope / Protestant Church / Apostolic succession 1 View Records