Reconstruction / Konfliktfolgen / Kriegsfolgen 403 View Records
Reconstruction / Catholic church / History 1995-1997 / Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 View Records
Reconstruction / Germany / Help / Afghanistan 1 View Records
Reconstruction / Kriegsfolge 1 View Records
Reconciliation 42 View Records
Reconciliation / Civil War / Coming to terms with the past / Geschichte 1994 / Church 1 View Records
Reconciliation / Conflict resolution 2 View Records
Reconciliation / Coventry / International understanding / Christian social ethics 1 View Records
Reconciliation / Interfaith dialogue / Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 View Records
Reconciliation / International understanding 1 View Records
Reconciliation / Religion / Peace maintainance / Bosnian War / Effects 1 View Records
Reception / Weizsäcker, Richard von 1920-2015, Zum vierzigsten Jahrestag der Beendigung des Krieges in Europa und der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft 1 View Records
Recruitment 1 View Records
Reformed Churches 2 View Records
Reformierte Kirchen 2 View Records
Reichskonkordat 1 View Records
Reichskonkordat / Gröber, Conrad 1872-1948 1 View Records
Rejection of / Kosovo War, 1998-1999 / Pacifism / Just war 1 View Records
Relief map / Roman Empire / Greece (Antiquity) / Propaganda / War (Motif) 1 View Records
Religion 5 View Records