Romania Religious organization Christliche Kirche Orthodox Church Biserica Ortodoxa Romana Greek-Catholic Church Verhältnis Religionsgemeinschaft - Staat Religious policy Internal policy Repressalien / Oppression Religionsgemeinschaften / Beziehungen zwischen religiösen Gruppen Volksgruppe / Ethnische Bevölkerungsgruppe Interethnische Beziehungen Church history studies Politische Geschichte 1 View Records
Conference program Theologische Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 05.2014 Halle (Saale) 1 View Records
Europe Terrorism Militanter Islam Heiliger Krieg (Islam) Politisch motivierte Gewaltanwendung Radicalization Soziale Rekrutierung Terrorismusbekämpfung 1 View Records
Europe Religious population groups Islam Muslims Minority groups Historical surveys Social processes Pluralistic societies tribalism Field research Exemplary cases 1 View Records
Certainty cooperation between God and humans the ultimate attraction of the highest Good the irrefutable obligation of willing and acting with God human works as serving God’s work (for the service of God and the benefit of the neighbour) “synergism” impossible 1 View Records