Province / History 1850-1900 / Liberalism / Montréal / Catholicism 1 View Records
Province / History 1859-1925 / Catholicism 1 View Records
Province / History 1871-1914 / Unierte Evangelische Kirche in Posen und Pommerellen 1 View Records
Province / History 1920-1930 / Unierte Evangelische Kirche in Posen und Pommerellen 1 View Records
Province / History 1931-1936 / Catholic church 1 View Records
Province / History 1 BC-500 / Roman Empire / Sanctuary / West 1 View Records
Province / History 200 BC-300 / Monument / Governor / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Province / History 29 BC-300 / Regional parliament / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Province / History 300-600 / Governor / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Province / History 300 BC-133 BC / Roman Empire / Ruling system 1 View Records
Province / History 30 BC-400 / Copy / Roman Empire / Sarcophagus 1 View Records
Province / History 44 BC-96 / Coin / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Province / History 510 BC-31 BC / Roman Empire / Rule 1 View Records
Province / History 60-500 / Interfaith dialogue / Judaism / Christianity / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Province / Hymnal 3 View Records
Province / Iconoclasm 1 View Records
Province / Immigrants / Help 1 View Records
Province / Inquisition / History 1 View Records
Province / Inscription / Name of God / Celts / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Province / Institute of higher learning / Ritual / Secularism / Space 1 View Records