Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) - Personal narratives - History and criticism 2 View Records
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) Personal narratives Europe History and criticism 1 View Records
Photography ruins archaeology historiography France Saulcy existentialism topography Jerusalem visual culture Salzmann Barthes nineteenth century chorography 1 View Records
Heinrich, von Herford 1326-1370, Liber de rebus memorabilioribus sive chronicon 1 View Records
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Hadith Bedouin Prophet’s documents popular tradition subaltern early Islamic historiography 1 View Records
Henricus de Lettis approximately 1187-approximately 1259 Origines Livoniae sacrae et civilis 1 View Records
Hadith Bédouins documents du Prophète tradition populaire subalterne historiographie islamique 1 View Records
Church history writing / Harnack, Adolf von 1851-1930, Die Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten / Gibbon, Edward 1737-1794, History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire / Stark, Rodney 1934-2022, The rise of Christianity 1 View Records
Hungary Religiöse Bevölkerungsgruppe Interethnische Beziehungen Ethnische Schichtung Minority Ethnische Probleme / Nationalitätenprobleme Volksgruppe / Ethnische Bevölkerungsgruppe Religiöse Probleme Germany Historical studies Historiography Research Wissensstand / Knowledge 1 View Records