Pedagogics / History / Jesuits / Children's policy 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Jesuits / Sacchini, Francesco 1570-1625 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Journal 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Klepacz, Michał 1893-1967 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Lublin / Religion 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Method 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Peace / Kant, Immanuel 1724-1804 / Blankertz, Herwig 1927-1983 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Practical orientation / Education / Educational theory 2 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Pragmatism / Educational theory 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Progressive education / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reception 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Religious pedagogy / Theology 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Research / State 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Sex difference / Women's education 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Spirit of the times 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Teaching pedagogy / Teaching seminar 1 View Records
Pedagogics / History / Teenagers 1 View Records
Pedagogics / HIV / AIDS / Bible study / Botswana / Change Agent / Crisis / Activist / Activism / Religiosity 1 View Records
Pedagogics / Holiness 1 View Records
Pedagogics / Home 1 View Records
Pedagogics / Homiletics / Improvisation / Dialogue 1 View Records