Parish work / Catholic church / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Protestant Church / History 1945-1999 / Ecumene / Germany 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Islam / Ecumene / Interfaith dialogue 1 View Records
Parish catechesis / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Free church / Christian education of children / Educational goal / Qualitative interview 1 View Records
Parity / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Prussians 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Prognose 2002 / Churchliness / Germany / Secularization 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Project / Pastoral theology 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Professionalization / Priest / Netherlands 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Province (Province) / History 1930-1950 1 View Records
Parish work / Cain / Protestant Church / Psychology / Bible. Genesis 4,1-16 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church, Diözese Basel / Priest / Catholic church / Immigrants 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Mailand / Priest / Catholic church / Layman 3 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church, Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI.), Verfasserschaft1, Humanae vitae / Priest / Catholic church / Reception 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Prayer 2 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Preaching / Religious language 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Pressure of time / Priest / Lack of time 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Priest 5 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Priest / Caritas 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Priest / Church reform / Reception / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Parish work / Catholic church / Priest / Congregational leadership 1 View Records